Get things done
while you relax
Work smarter,
not harder
Join the automation revolution, maximize your productivity effortlessly, achieve more in less time. Get started, it's free
How does it work
It is simple...
Template Upload Manage Create Document Share
  • Word template

    Create professional-looking documents using Word. Customize them with variable to be replaced later with your needs with ease.

  • Upload it

    Upload your document file into the system. Creating a Replace template where you'll be able to manage all your templates securely.

  • Manage template data

    Effortlessly manage your data for each template. Our user-friendly interface makes it simple to import and export your information.

  • Select data to create a document

    Easily select the data you want to include in your document. Our intuitive interface allows you to choose the information you need quickly and efficiently.

  • Create each document

    Generate each document with just a click. Our streamlined process allows you to create your professional documents in no time.

  • Share with forms

    Streamline collaboration by sharing documents through forms. Easily collect and let third-party users create your documents in one centralized location.

Template Upload Manage Create Document Share
Do it all with replace
Whatever your goal, start with your own template
Focus on what truly matters
Our free plan lets you:
  • Create unlimited replacements
  • Start getting automations
  • Download your documents
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